Main Page

Why ?

I wrote this template in 2019 because I wanted to migrate a mediawiki-powered wiki to jekyll.

The template has a layout and a navigation that can replace my old wiki.

How to

If you want to use this template, clone the repository, customize it and write wiki pages.


The general settings are in the _config.yml file.

You may choose the language. English (en) and french (fr) are supported out-of-the box.

lang: en

You may customize the collections. The only contraint is that the name of collections containing wiki pages should start with wiki.

    output: true
    permalink: "/:path" 
    path: ""
    output: true
    permalink: "/:path"
    path: ""
    output: true
    permalink: "/:path"
    path: ""

Of course, you’ll have to change the other site settings like title, description or url.


The labels are in i18n files in the _data/i18n directory.

These files contain also prefixes for special pages, the name of home page and the logo that will be displayed on the top left.

home: Main
logo: /img/wiki.png
  author: Author
  links: Links
  tags: Other pages
  tag: "Category:"
  user: "User:"


The users are declared in the _data/users.yml file.

  name: Alexis Hassler
  logo: img/sewatech.png

Each user should have its page in the _special directory. The name of this page starts with the prefix defined in the i18n file (here User:) and end with the user short name (here Alexis).

Wiki pages

Wiki pages are in collections that name starts with wiki. The bootstrap project provides 2 collections : wiki and wiki-legacy.

The pages can be written in HTML, Markdown or Asciidoc.

Note: Asciidoc is not supported on Github pages.

Regular wiki page

A regular wiki page should be place in a wiki collection. The only required metadata in frontmatter is the layout. The simplest page may be something like this:

layout: wiki
Example with minimal frontmatter

The frontmatter may contain the following attributes:

Note: the toc plugin doesn’t work on Github pages

Redirect page

A redirect page should be place in the special collection. It should have a frontmatter with a layout and a redirect, and no content

layout: redirect
redirect: New

Note: redirections may be managed in an other way with the jekyll-redirect-from plugin

Tag page

A tag page should be place in a special collection. The file name should have the prefix defined in the i18n file and end with the tag name.

For example, a file named would fit with the following i18n configuration.

  tag: "Tag:"

Note: this is in the i18n files because mediawiki translates this prefix ; it is Category in english and Catégorie in french

The tag page may have the same metadata as a regular page.

layout: tag
title: Example of Tag
tags: Example
toc: false
created: 2019-04-12
modified: 2019-04-12
- author: Alexis
  date: 2019-04-12
  comment: First version
## Example Tag

Nice examples

User pages

A user page should be place in a special collection. The file name should have the prefix defined in the i18n file and end with the user name.

For example, a file named would fit with the following i18n configuration.

  user: "User:"

Note: this is in the i18n files because mediawiki translates this prefix ; it is User in english and Utilisateur in french

The user page may have the same metadata as a regular page.

layout: user
title: Alexis
created: 2019-04-12
modified: 2019-04-12
I'm a developer.


The simplest way to deploy your wiki is to generate the site and copy it to a Web Server.

jekyll build

As any Jekyll web site, the generation may be done on a CI server (TravisCI,…) or with the CI capabilities of the Git server (Gitlab, Github actions,…).

Apache HTTP server

A .htaccess file is provided. If the site is deployed on a Apache HTTP server, some old mediawiki URLs are rewritten to the new Jekyll URLs.

Github pages

The wiki cannot be deloyed simply on Github pages because of unsupported filters and custom plugins.

If you want to deploy it on Github pages, you should push the generated site. Any CI tool can help.

Gitlab pages / CI

If your source code is hosted on Gitlab, you can deploy the wiki on Gitlab page. The .gitlab-ci.yml provides a generic setup for that. When you push on Gitlab, the file is be detected and a pipeline is run. The wiki is then deployed on pages.

Note: the deployment may occur several minutes after the end of the build.

With the provided configuration, Gitlab CI may also upload the site with SFTP.


Github actions



Travis CI can launch automatically the jekyll build and deploy the site.

The examples and this page are built this way. The repository provides a .travis.yml configuration file wich deploy the built site on Github Pages. If want to use it, just change the repo and setup your build on Travis CI with the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable.

With the provided configuration, Travis CI may also upload the site with SFTP.

